.. to say goodbye to 2013 and hello to a New Year .. I am trying to be organised and have my first challenge all ready to go...
.. see you tomorrow!
Hopefully I am talking to a few of my friends and some of the lovely BFF Blog Friends Forever that I have been doing a picture / blog challenge with for pretty much the last 2 years... firstly at 365+1 in 2012 and last year over at Lucky Snapping in 2013 here
Jen, Anne, Lynne and myself, along with a few of you on guest host duties ran monthly prompts throughout 2013 and despite a few lulls here and there, and some super rescue jobs done mainly by Anne, we have reached the end of 2013.
With much less pre-planning than Jen gave the 2013 challenge last year I thought it might be nice to carry on keeping in touch this year and hopefully add a few new faces and stories.
My idea was that we like to keep in touch weekly at least but not always with lots of wordy thought provoking stuff.. I myself fell by the wayside at some points but found doing a 'December Daily' picture recharged my enthusiasm.
So this is my plan:
A weekly theme for a single picture that week..e.g. colours
giving at the start of the week an option of a daily picture within the theme..e.g. blue/red / yellow etc
so it suits everyone to add a picture and words if they wish, once or more a week.
I will aim to post an entry to be uploaded on a Monday...and if possible I shall schedule a week or two in advance so I don't get behind. Several of you have offered to get involved with prompts so once under-way maybe you can have a think of some ideas and email them to me at.............. kathijo at hotmail dot co dot uk..... (hoping the spammers won't get me there!)
I will make it a short week to start, so let me know what you think in comments below and look out for Week 1 on Wednesday!
PS New blog was easiest way .. I will tweak colours tomorrow from my easy peasy PC!